Article Tag Archives: Homecoming
Save the Date – Homecoming – Oct. 10-12
We are busy making preparations for this year’s Homecoming weekend! There’s an even bigger and better Bulldog Tailgate in the works, plus, we will be honoring the Class of 1964 (and prior) as our Golden Alumni. If you would like to participate in the celebration, tickets are now available in the Alumni Store. Just head to and click on “Homecoming 2014.” More information will be available in the next few weeks on all of this year’s Homecoming events. Be sure to “like” us on Facebook at, and keep checking the mail for more details!
Truman Homecoming Tailgate
If you were able to make it to Homecoming this year, you may have noticed something new in the lineup. This year, reunion classes, returning alumni, current students, faculty, family and the Truman community were all invited to partake in one big Truman Tailgate. The event started at 11 a.m. Saturday and lasted until the start of the football game. Sodexo catered, and tailgaters were allowed to bring in their own wine and beer. It was the ultimate Bulldog Family Homecoming event!
Want to be part of the fun in 2014? Homecoming is set for Oct. 10-12, so mark your calendars now! Groups can pre-register for tailgating spots online at by clicking on Homecoming. More information about this year’s Homecoming will be available later this summer/fall, so make sure to check your inbox!
Golden Alumni Honored at Homecoming Banquet
Homecoming is our favorite time of year. Everyone just seems happier, has more school spirit and is excited for the year to come. One of the best parts is having our alumni come back to Kirksville. During Homecoming 2013, we had 33 of our most cherished alumni return to campus as special honorees: Golden Alumni diploma recipients.
Our Goldens, as we fondly refer to them, returned to Truman to celebrate their 50th reunion. This past Homecoming, we honored graduates from the class of 1963 and prior. We were so honored to have this year’s Goldens at the Homecoming 2013 Banquet, where they donned caps and gowns and participated in a special diploma ceremony with University President Troy Paino.
The fun didn’t stop there. The Golden Alumni also attended a special luncheon on Saturday where they shared stories and anecdotes from what campus was like in 1963. It was a truly remarkable event!
This year’s Homecoming will honor the graduating class for 1964 and prior. If you would like to participate, email us at Homecoming is set for Oct. 10-12, so mark your calendars now! The Alumni Office will also send out a form a few months before Homecoming if you are interested in joining the fun!
Truman Alumni Association
All graduates of Truman State University automatically become members of the Truman Alumni Association. Led by a Board of Directors, the Truman Alumni Association sponsors Homecoming activities, Truman State University National Spirit Day, the Truman Alumni & Friends Travel Program, alumni receptions, events for Truman graduates and also supports the 10 regional alumni chapters.
NEMO Named Chapter of the Year
The Northeast Missouri Alumni Chapter was selected by the Executive Committee of the Truman Alumni Board of Directors to receive the 2012 Alumni Chapter of the Year Award. The award recognizes the outstanding achievementsof the chapter in support of the Truman Alumni Association and the University.
The Northeast Missouri Alumni Chapter was recognized for its success in recruiting engaged volunteers who have planned strategies to increase membership and program participation. The chapter’s traditions include annual events such as a golf tournament at the Kirksville Country Club and a fall banquet with an auction held on campus each year; both events raise funds for the chapter’s scholarship, which was established in 2005 to assist Truman students from northeast Missouri.
The Alumni Chapter of the Year Award was presented to Northeast Missouri Alumni Chapter leaders at the Truman Alumni Leadership Conference held on campus Oct. 19, 2012, as part of the Homecoming activities. The Mid-Missouri Alumni Chapter was recognized as runner-up for the Chapter of the Year Award.
Save the Date Homecoming: Oct. 18-20
Has it been a while since your last time on campus? Come home to Truman for Homecoming weekend and reconnect with fellow alumni and friends. All alumni, families and friends are invited to campus to celebrate this annual tradition. Come see how the campus has changed, and we will help you re-live old memories and make some new ones. Plan to attend some favorite activities such as the Parade, 5K Race, Homecoming Celebration Banquet (includes Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Golden Alumni 50th Anniversary Diploma Ceremony & introduction of Homecoming honorees), Bulldog sporting events and receptions hosted by University departments and organizations.
Reach out to your friends and encourage them to attend Homecoming with you. For more details on Homecoming, visit
A Special Homecoming Invitation for the Class of 1963 and All Other Golden Alumni

Last October during Homecoming 2012, several alumni put on a graduation cap and gown and received a commemorative diploma presented by President Troy Paino as part of the annual Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony.
If you graduated from Truman in 1963 or earlier, you are invited to a couple of special events that will take place during Homecoming 2013. On Friday evening, Oct. 18, at the Homecoming Celebration Banquet held in the Student Union Building, all alumni who graduated 50 years ago will have a chance to put on a graduation cap and gown and participate in the annual Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony; participants in the ceremony receive a commemorative diploma presented by University President Troy Paino. If you missed the Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony for the 50-year anniversary for your graduation year, you are invited to participate this year. All alumni who participate in the Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony can receive a complimentary ticket for the Homecoming Celebration Banquet; additional tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children age 12 and under.
That same weekend, you and your guests are also invited to the Golden Alumni Reunion Luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 19, in the Student Union. Tickets for the luncheon
are $10 for adults and $7 for children age 12 and under.
This summer, watch your mail for details or contact Truman’s Office of Advancement, (800) 452-6678 or (660) 785-4133. Details and registration information for all Homecoming events will be posted online at