Last October during Homecoming 2012, several alumni put on a graduation cap and gown and received a commemorative diploma presented by President Troy Paino as part of the annual Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony.
If you graduated from Truman in 1963 or earlier, you are invited to a couple of special events that will take place during Homecoming 2013. On Friday evening, Oct. 18, at the Homecoming Celebration Banquet held in the Student Union Building, all alumni who graduated 50 years ago will have a chance to put on a graduation cap and gown and participate in the annual Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony; participants in the ceremony receive a commemorative diploma presented by University President Troy Paino. If you missed the Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony for the 50-year anniversary for your graduation year, you are invited to participate this year. All alumni who participate in the Golden Alumni Diploma Ceremony can receive a complimentary ticket for the Homecoming Celebration Banquet; additional tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children age 12 and under.
That same weekend, you and your guests are also invited to the Golden Alumni Reunion Luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 19, in the Student Union. Tickets for the luncheon
are $10 for adults and $7 for children age 12 and under.
This summer, watch your mail for details or contact Truman’s Office of Advancement, (800) 452-6678 or (660) 785-4133. Details and registration information for all Homecoming events will be posted online at alumni.truman.edu/Homecoming.asp.