Gift Annuity Offers Further Scholarship Support

Jack and Val Reiske celebrate at a family wedding with their five grandchildren.

Jack and Val Reiske chose to support the needs of the University and its student by funding a charitable gift annuity with a $25,000 gift to the Truman State University Foundation.

“With each passing year we become more and more aware of the debt we owe those that contributed to our education,” Jack said. “This is a debt that can only be repaid by investing in the future of those students following us.”

The couple made the gift as part of Truman’s “Pursue the Future” campaign, specifically the “Thanks a Million, Dr. McClain!” fundraising initiative. As a former member of the Truman faculty and current member of the Mid-Missouri Regional Campaign Committee, Jack has a keen understanding of the economic conditions that have lent a sense of urgency to the fundraising efforts on behalf of the University and its students.

“As state support for higher education continues to fall, it becomes increasingly vital that private support be increased,” he said. “For many prospective University students the cost of a degree has become an economic burden which many families cannot carry.”

This planned gift arrangement allows Jack and Val to receive fixed payments throughout their lives while providing generous support for the fund they chose to support, the Charles J. McClain Scholarship Endowment.

“I was fortunate during the course of my career to serve under a number of able administrators, but none more able than Dr. McClain. His service to the University and the state of Missouri is incalculable,” Jack said. “Few leaders in any field possess the leadership skills and intuitive insight that that Dr. McClain brought to northeast Missouri. The Truman State University of today is his legacy to Missouri and Truman students, past, present and future. I can think of no better way to honor Dr. McClain than to support future students of Truman by making a contribution to the scholarship fund established in his name.”

The “Thanks a Million, Dr. McClain!” fundraising initiative has raised $1.2 million in support for the ABC/Charles J. Scholarship, the Charles J. McClain Scholarship and the General John J. Pershing Scholarship Endowment.

Charitable Gift Annuities Allow You to Support Truman and Receive Fixed Payments for Life
If you are 55 years of age or older, establishing a charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a wonderful way to secure steady payments for yourself and receive valuable tax savings while providing for Truman’s future.

Sample Maximum Gift Annuity Rates for One Person
Age    Rate
55    4.0%
60    4.4%
70    5.1%
80    6.8%
90+    9.0%

For more information and a customized CGA illustration, contact Truman’s Advancement Office at (800) 452-6678.

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